you can't deal with my infinite nature

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I am such a follower

So after the peer pressure in everyone elses blog I have decided to make a 101 list of my own, I basically spent most of my Thursday thinking of this stuff, which means I spent all day thinking about myself. I know the anticipation is killing you, and this will most likely make your week, so here is:

101 Of My Delusions

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Back to School, Back to School....

There is definatly something wrong with the fact that I am 22 and I am picking up a bus to go to school. I have had a busy last few days, well busy in comparison to the days before them, days of my man voice and oh so appealing cough. I am back cleaning my grandparents houses, which all though is quite good money, makes you feel like orphan Annie, they literally make you scrub the floor on your hands and knees. I had to go to Target to fill my fridge, and it totally slipped my mind that every freshman, and their mom (litterally) were going to be there buying Easy Mac, and mounting squares. I tried everything in my power to make sure they all knew I was not a freshman as well, god I am old. On the subject, Natalie and I went to check out the recruitment situation at SAE, which was perverse, we held beverages with the moms, which really makes you feel old. Bummed out on being ancient, and still in college, I came home to a wonderful surprise, Jason had sent me daisies, "aren't they the happiest flower," which made my day. After my daisy high, Natalie and I went over to Liz's for an excellent dinner, and to watch our new guilty pleasure, "So You Think You Can Dance?" I have put a few pictures from the last week at the bottom of this, enjoy!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

REM cycle mysteries

I am not one to have reoccuring dreams, but I do have reoccuring themes. Like the dream I had last night... In many of my dreams I have a child, and of course not a normal child, they are always a strange size or age, depending on the situation. Such as, one night I had a dream that I birthed a 3-year-old child, it basically just walked right out of me, and instead of giving it a name, I was able to ask it what it wanted to be called, in which it replied, Meagan ( I know, perverse). But last night, my child was definitely smaller than normal, and as the dream went on it became smaller and smaller. By the end of the dream it looked like a popsicle stick with a head. Then I lost it in Wal-Mart, but luckily someone found her/him, and we had a long conversation about how we hate the "stick stage." What do these dreams mean? Why can't I have normal running down the street naked dreams? Why?!?

Friday, August 12, 2005


Laura: "Look how fertile that grass is in the hole."

*Dead silence*

Monday, August 08, 2005

Nutty Nana

I have come to the conclusion that I need to change my passwords, due to the increase in random blogs from people other than myself. Although they tend to be quite interesting. I was looking at my new glasses today, and I noticed that on the inside of one of the arms, by where the brand name is, it says "Nutty Nana" and besides the fact that it is hilarious and not to mention the name of my band, it's completely random. These last few days have been a complete roller coaster, I have been in a glass case of emotion. Jason left on Sunday morning and I spent the rest of the day sleeping and eating, as one would expect. I did some brillant retail therapy, that included me getting Amelie, the new Dane Cook CD/DVD, Mitch Hedburg, all the Lord of the Rings, 21 Grams, Bruce Almighty, X-Men 2, Gold Diggers, and The Sword and the Stone. Not to mention, again, eating way too much food. I also got to see Lisa's new place, which is really nice, they have enough bathrooms in the joint for 6 people, its crazy.




COSTCO. (wha -ha!)